Infection Prevention Control


Good hygiene procedures and effective infection prevention and control are of paramount importance in protecting the health of people who use our services as well as upholding the reputation of primary care providers and The Hall Practice.

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice for Health and Adult Social Care on the Prevention of Infections and Related Guidance sets out the key activities that should be undertaken by all NHS organisations with respect to good practice.

The Hall Practice understands that the processes of good infection control must be of a consistently high standard, and therefore require regular review, reflection and assessment to ensure they are both comprehensive and fit for purpose.

These processes are at the heart of all clinical and management activity within the Practice, with great consideration given to the environment in which the Practice operates and the range of services provided.

A copy of The Hall Practice Infection Prevention and Control Policy is available here.

If you have any concerns about cleanliness or infection control, please report these to our Reception staff.

Infection Prevention and Control Patient Resources:

Antibiotic Stewardship NHS England » Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Measles Measles - NHS

Immunisation and Vaccination Immunisation and vaccination - Stay Well

MRSA Advice for Patients on HANDWASHING

MRSA Supression Treatment MRSA-Mupirocin-resident-suppression-treatment-Prontoderm-v1.01-November-2022.pdf

Hand Hygiene Hand-hygiene-Leaflet-for-service-users-August-2023.pdf